After the harem concubines' plot turns everything upside down, Henna follows her successful revenge on Qamar by trying to seize charge of the Khan. This season deals with the issue of exploitation...Read more between the concubines' plots and the statesmen's intrigues, as the Ottoman Empire faces bankruptcy.
Hamdy refuses to offer Raslan his condolences after the latter’s mother dies. Qamar plans to return to the neighborhood. Jad decides to wed his concubine after she falls pregnant with his child. When Faris shoots Azmy and Salim, Raslan saves Azmy. Amer becomes the Master of Coin.
After the harem concubines' plot turns everything upside down, Henna follows her successful revenge on Qamar by trying to seize charge of the Khan. This season deals with the issue...Read more of exploitation between the concubines' plots and the statesmen's intrigues, as the Ottoman Empire faces bankruptcy.