A social drama that takes place in a small rural town where the main crafts are farming and fishing. As Rashed and Seif study engineering to help their father, Seif pursues a different path as he...Read more wants to work in trade with Khalfan. But how far can Man go in pursuit of money?
Rashed, Seif, and Salem return to their home village after obtaining their engineering degree. Salem welcomes his father, who has just been dismissed from work. Mas'oud wants to wed Saberya. It is revealed that Salem didn't obtain a degree in agricultural engineering.
A social drama that takes place in a small rural town where the main crafts are farming and fishing. As Rashed and Seif study engineering to help their father, Seif pursues a...Read more different path as he wants to work in trade with Khalfan. But how far can Man go in pursuit of money?