When Ghariba meets six girls on the mountain to take a picnic, she reveals that she knows that they are still single but they need to find proper suitors. The girls follow her advice and go looking for suitors behind their father's back.
When a suitor asks the merchant, Soliman, for one of his daughters' hand, Soliman discovers that his daughters have fled. As the news spread among the neighborhood women, Ghariba makes fun of the women's ignorance that she is the one who sent the girls to look for suitors.
When the girls go into a mysterious cave on a mountain, one of them finds a bottle that sprays rose water, but El Batoul seizes the bottle for herself. Soliman takes to bed as he struggles to deal with his sadness over his daughters.
When a man leaves the cave to meet the girls, the girls fight among themselves as each of them wants him for a husband. As the man calms them down, he recounts the story of Fouraq El Aawad who manipulates women.
When Masouda falls pregnant with a girl, she picks the name Zahr for her. Maymouna gets pregnant with a boy. Al-Aaly is happy that his wife hasn't fallen into the clutches of the charlatan, Fouraq El Aawad.
When Masouda tries to open the bottle that Maymouna took from Fouraq El Aawad, Maymouna refuses and insists that they wait until after the birth.
Maymouna decides to name her son Zahr as Masouda calls her daughter Marisha, which falls in line with Fouraq El Aawad's plan as he wants to involve Zahr in his nefarious plans.
As Zahr and Marisha grow up, Zahr causes his parents to remain poor-stricken. As the family moves out of the city, the grandmother brings them food. Maymouna accuses Marisha of being responsible for their situation.
When Masouda visits Maymouna with some bread to help her out, Maymouna grows jealous, especially as Masouda's daughter is doing better than Maymouna's son. Fouraq's assistant goes to the city and meets El Sherifa.
The man continues to tell the girls about Zahr and Marisha, sparking their interest in the story as El Ghaly's father decides to marry Zahra.
When her father-in-law sees Marisha's name as a bad omen and refuses to see her, Masouda grows sad and confides in Maymouna, who suggests that Masouda enlist the help of Fouraq El Aawad.
When she learns that her husband wants to marry Zahra, El Ghaly's stepmother decides to leave the house. Opposed to his father's actions, El Ghaly decides to take his family and leave his father's house.
As Zahr goes to a Quran recital circle, the instructor singles him out since he considers him a bad omen, leaving the young Zahr to flock to one of Fouraq's henchmen.
When the instructor beats Zahr as a punishment, Zahr takes a talisman from his friend to his father, who suspects that the instructor wants to bewitch Zahr.
The girls continue to listen to the story as they grow curious about what happened to Zahr after he became ostracised.
The benevolent king of Jinn visits Fouraq El Aawad's master, ordering him to withdraw his servants who have been sowing discord and evil between the neighborhood's people. El Ghaly takes his son Zahr home.
Shafia goes back home and quarrels with Zahra. Maymouna moves into a new house and puts the bottle that she took from Fouraq on her nightstand.
As Zahr adjusts to his life in the new house, he struggles with how he misses his friends, whom only he could see. Zahr's parents try to get him to adjust his attitude to become a normal person.
The girls grow mad when the guy falls asleep without finishing Zahr's story. Shafia quarrels with a female Jinn while making bread.
Giving up on the hope to find suitors, the girls decide to go back to their father and ask the guy to let them out of the cave.
When Zahr is found stealing a donkey, the judge summons him, and he claims that his mother knows about the incident. When his mother is questioned, she reveals that the Jinn gave her son the donkey.
Maymouna cleans Zahr up as they prepare for a visit from Masouda and her daughter. Zahr meets his friend, who is the benevolent Jinn who has been recounting his story to the girls.
As the instructor punishes Khalifa and ties him up in the house, Masouda and Shafia go to visit Maymouna and meet Zahr.
Maymouna and Shafia quarrel over Zahr. El Ghaly and his brother discuss Marisha, who is fending marriage proposals from the neighborhood's young men.
The benevolent Jinn asks Zahr not to follow instructions from his mother or Fouraq's friends, offering to marry him off to one of the girls who have been looking for suitors.
As the Jinn continues to tell the story of Zahr and Marisha, the girls grow angry that the Jinn hasn't found suitors for them or taken them back to their father.
When the Jinn takes the girls to Zahr's house to meet him, one of them finds the bottle and sprinkles some of the rose water.
Unseen by anyone but the Jinn, the girls listen to Maymouna as she tells her husband that she wants to marry Zahr off to Marisha.
The Jinn tries to teach the girls that they need to take initiative when they want something, but not in the way they have been going at it. Marisha gets close to Zahr.
With help from the benevolent Jinn, Zahr gets rid of his bad luck and becomes a normal person. The girls go back home where their father admonishes them for what they did.