A criminal group known as the Akudama terrorizes Kansai City, where an ordinary citizen finds herself in danger because of her good intentions.
Akudama learns from the mastermind, Brother, about the danger of the upcoming plan that is causing them trouble. However, things get worse when the police attack them, and the group hardly escapes.
The operation does not go as expected, and the time limit starts to expire, so the group has to improvise and forget the plan to succeed in pulling off the grand heist.
The police attack the Akudama group while they are on their way to complete their mission, forcing them to race against time to reach the basement and escape the Executioners pursuing them.
As the Executioners try to deal with the consequences of their failure, the Akudama group decides to take a break from fighting to think about their next destination.
An Executioner arrives at the Akudama residence to confront them, which pleases Brawler. However, the fighting between the different officers intensifies, and Pupil is saddened as she feels isolated from them.
The team finally reaches their destination after going through many difficult situations on their long journey, but Brother reveals his side of the story.
The Akudamas are separated after the confrontation at Expo Park, so Swindler discovers while escaping that she has become in an important position. On the other hand, Pupil swears to take revenge on the group for leaving her alone.
As Kansai City is in chaos as Swindler spreads something mysterious, the Akudamas take advantage of the police's distraction to enter their headquarters and rescue Brother.
As Brother is being held prisoner by the Executioners, Courier and Swindler rush to catch up with them. Moreover, Hoodlum and Doctor follow them to the Shinkansen station.
Trapped in a virtual world, Swindler and Courier relive life's events including that tragic day at the Takoyaki Stand. However, a hacker helps them.
As Swindler secretly plans to confront the Executioners, Courrier takes the opportunity to help the siblings escape to their planned location.