Businessman Abdul-Jabbar holds a wedding for his daughter Aya, despite Ramez's feelings towards her. On the wedding day, Raafat, the groom, is killed by an unknown person after Ramez stormed the wedding armed.
The policemen arrest Ramez, and after he is proved innocent, they arrest Abdul-Jabbar's son for interrogation. Meanwhile, Rafif reveals to Tulip that another person preceded her in killing Raafat.
It turns out that the resort’s surveillance cameras malfunctioned on the day of the crime. As Aseel's innocence is proved, his secret relationship with Tala, his father's secretary, is exposed. The colonel discovers that Taif, Abdul-Jabbar's assistant, is his friend, the former officer, Tarek.
While the colonel cooperates with Taif to search for the real killer and reveal the truth about the hidden actions of Abdul-Jabbar and Saleh, Tulip and Rafif's mother orders them to kill Aseel. Meantime, Taif is suspicious of Tulip and fires a bullet at Saleh's car.
It is revealed that Lana is hiding in Taif's house after Raafat attempted to kill her before he died. Meanwhile, the colonel argues with Taif because he is not acting as they agreed. Rafif slips poison in Raafat's mother's drink after seeing her at the wedding.
As Rafif retracts the killing of Ghalia, her mother gets angry at her for not killing Aseel. Meanwhile, Abdul-Jabbar hires Ayser, and Tala gets angry when she sees Aseel with Rafif. Elsewhere, Taif is surprised by Abdul-Jabbar's arrival while he is at Sumaya's house.
While Taif is suspicious of Abdul-Jabbar’s conversation with Sumaya about the donations, Saleh prepares Rafif to work for Abdul-Jabbar. Meanwhile, Taif receives listening devices from the colonel, and it becomes clear that his motive to take revenge on Abdul-Jabbar is what he did to his sister Nada.
As Abdul-Jabbar's rape of Nada in the past becomes clear, Tulip's mother's plans are threatened by Taif's suspicions of her. Elsewhere, Taif saves Aya while trying to commit suicide, and Rafif hits Ramez after he molested her.
Tulip confronts Taif with the fact that he saw her while she is eavesdropping on Abdul-Jabbar. Meanwhile, Ayser and Taif protect Rafif from Ramez. The colonel interrogates the resort staff, and Rafif starts her new job. Elsewhere, Taif beats Tala for leaving the hideout.
As Abdul-Jabbar exposes Raafat's infidelity with Lana in front of Aya, Lana meets with Nada. Tala fights with Aseel when he chases Rafif to make her love him, and Abdul-Jabbar threatens the former to stay away from Aseel. Meanwhile, Aya visits Abdul-Jabbar's producer and Ramez meets with her.
As Taif bugs Abdul-Jabbar's office, he refuses to comply to Tulip's threat to him and discovers Tala's cooperation with Abdul-Jabbar. Meantime, Ayser gets close to Rafif, and Tulip's mother visits Souad in disguise.
As Nadia tells Souad about the treachery of a businessman without revealing his identity, Taif wonders about the identity of the mysterious gang leader that Sumaya is talking about with Abdul-Jabbar. Meantime, Ghalia discovers Saleh's secret marriage.
Taif takes Abdul-Jabbar to the hospital after the latter is shot by Rafif, and he survives. Meanwhile, Ghalia suffers a psychological breakdown due to Saleh and Sarah's marriage, and Nadia admonishes Rafif for disobeying her orders.
When Abdul-Jabbar awakens from his coma and recovers, he shows his gratitude towards Taif. Lana rescues Nada as she tries to commit suicide. Meanwhile, Abdul-Jabbar recalls his relationship with his girlfriend, Fatina, who broke up with him and married Adnan.
It turns out that Nadia's real name is Rafa, and she remembers her husband's imprisonment for murder. Meanwhile, the colonel announces in front of Abdul-Jabbar his suspicion that Lana is the murderer. Abdul-Jabbar sleeps with Tala after falsifying his marriage to her.
After Abdul-Jabbar confesses to Aseel his secret marriage and divorce from Tala, he fires her and hires Rafif as his secretary. As Taif finds a pistol in Tulip's bag, he empties it of bullets and tells her what he did. Meanwhile, Ayser and Rafif's relationship grows stronger.
Admiration develops between Tulip and Taif. Nadia visits Souad and asks her to introduce her to Abdul-Jabbar, who instructs Taif to watch Aseel. Taif rebukes Sumaya for showing her emotions in the office after Tulip has seen them.
As Abdul-Jabbar beats his son after their quarrel, El Khawaga threatens to kill the former after a fight between them. Rafif fakes friendly emotions towards Aseel and refuses to poison him after discovering his father's wrongdoing to him. Elsewhere, Ayser reports to the colonel the resort's news.
Rafif admonishes her mother for assigning Tulip to monitor her after making sure that Aseel is his father's victim. Sumaya scolds Taif for neglecting her. Meanwhile, Lana and Nada offer to help Taif in solving the case. The feelings between Aseel and his father intensify.
Ayser confesses his feelings towards Rafif, and El Khawaga offers Fouad to cooperate with him and betray Abdul-Jabbar. Meanwhile, Aya promises Ramez a second chance. As Tulip confronts Taif with her doubts that there is a relationship between him and Sumaya, he denies it.
Tulip threatens Taif to tell Abdul-Jabbar about her suspicions that he is eavesdropping on the latter. Souad fights with Abdul-Jabbar when he comes to the headquarters of her charity, and Nadia meets him there. Meanwhile, the colonel assigns a girl to get close to Aseel and monitor him.
Tulip keeps Taif's secret, and El Khawaga asks Aya to marry him. Meanwhile, Abdul-Jabbar reveals that Tala is his spy from the beginning. Lana and Nada announce in front of Taif the outcome of monitoring Fouad. Rafif fakes her admiration for Abdul-Jabbar in front of him.
When Sumaya discovers that Taif has deceived her, he reveals to her the reason for his revenge on her brother. Umm Rafif tells Abdul-Jabbar's family about the killing of her innocent husband in prison because of a corrupt businessman. Tulip and Rafif's conversation raises suspicions against Ayser.
Sumaya discovers that her siblings trade in human organs obtained from the children of the orphanage run by Souad. Ayser informs Abdul-Jabbar, from an unknown number, about Taif and Sumaya's relationship. Abdul-Jabbar fails to monitor Umm Rafif, and Tulip promises Taif to help him take his revenge.
As Rafif continues to deceive Abdul-Jabbar, Ayser monitors her to reveal her secret. Tulip discovers that Abdul-Jabbar assigned his men to monitor a woman without knowing that she is her mother. Lana sends a picture of Ghalia with Fouad to the latter's wife and Saleh.
Sumaya promises Taif to keep his secret until she travels abroad. Rafif informs Tulip that she disclosed their secret to Ayser, who promised to help her. Umm Rafif orders her daughter to expose Taif in front of Abdul-Jabbar, and the colonel admonishes Ayser for falling in love with Rafif.
Chaos and accusations of betrayal prevail among the members of Abdul-Jabbar's family. Souad learns that her husband exploited Sumaya in the organ trade without her knowledge. Tala kills Sumaya and makes it look as if she committed suicide. Abdul-Jabbar blackmails Taif, who publicly turns against him.
As Abdul-Jabbar proposes marriage to Rafif, Ayser hears them. Nada is kidnapped by Abdul-Jabbar's men. Meanwhile, Tala kills Fouad, and Rafif confesses to Ayser why she wants to take revenge on Abdul-Jabbar.
As the police arrest El Khawaga and Tala, the latter confesses to murdering Raafat, Sumaya, and Fouad. Rafif informs her mother and Tulip that she has cut her relationship with Ayser and accepts marrying Abdul-Jabbar, who discovers that his former secretary, Nada, is Taif's sister.
Rafif's mother declares that Rafif is Abdul-Jabbar's daughter. Taif rescues Nada. As Souad reveals that Abdul-Jabbar caused Raafat's death, he is sentenced to life imprisonment. Rafif and Tulip rekindle their relationship with Taif and Ayser after they are released from prison.