The events follow the Al Makhmaliya family, and the journey of 21-year-old journalist Zeina, the daughter of a wealthy man, who works in the Accidents and Investigations Department and seeks to obtain...Read more a master's degree, as she becomes a rebellious woman because of her determination and self-confidence.
Set in 1980 in Faiyum Governorate, Abdel Rahim Pasha asks his sister Nawal to stop her constant attack on Fatima and her daughter Ruqayya. Magdy expresses his admiration for Zeina. A group of masked men attack Abdel Rahim’s land and burn his crop.
The events follow the Al Makhmaliya family, and the journey of 21-year-old journalist Zeina, the daughter of a wealthy man, who works in the Accidents and Investigations Department...Read more and seeks to obtain a master's degree, as she becomes a rebellious woman because of her determination and self-confidence.