The story revolves around the issue of adoption, as the life of ophthalmologist Nada is turned upside down when she has to save the life of a baby girl, in addition to adopting the child Yunis from...Read more the orphanage, and facing the difficulties brought on by society and its view on the matter.
Nesma leaves her child with Nada, and runs away for fear of being killed by her parents. Nada tries to take care of the child, while lying to Nesma's father, Hamdi, and telling him that she handed the child over to the police.
The story revolves around the issue of adoption, as the life of ophthalmologist Nada is turned upside down when she has to save the life of a baby girl, in addition to adopting the...Read more child Yunis from the orphanage, and facing the difficulties brought on by society and its view on the matter.