A young Chinese-American woman embarks on a transformative journey to a remote monastery in China. Upon her return, she uses her newly acquired skills in martial arts to defend her community against...Read more criminals and look for the killer of her mentor.
After spending three years training in martial arts in China, Nicky Shen returns home to San Francisco, only to find her town under the control of a criminal organization called the Triad, to which her family owes money.
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Saturday 1 February | 02:30 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Saturday 1 February | 03:15 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Saturday 1 February | 04:00 PM | Reminder |
A young Chinese-American woman embarks on a transformative journey to a remote monastery in China. Upon her return, she uses her newly acquired skills in martial arts to defend her...Read more community against criminals and look for the killer of her mentor.