Add/Update Information: Series - Cartoon - Hatha Howa El Islam - 2019

    Basic Details

    Title هذا هو الإسلام
    Title in English This Is Islam
    Title's Translation Hatha Howa El Islam
    Original Title
    Release Year 2019
    Runtime 17
    Category Series
    Subcategory Cartoon
    Status Released
    Is this a coloured title? Yes
    Egyptian Censorship
    MPAA Censorship
    Movie Budget 0
    Release Date
    5 May 2019 Egypt true
    Filming Locations
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    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Helmy Fouda 1
    2) Sabri Zaki 3
    3) Adel Khalaf 4
    4) Gamil Aziz 5
    5) Jehad Abu Al Enain 6
    6) Mohammad El Hagrasy 7
    7) Michael Lotfi 8
    8) Mohammad El Nems 9
    9) Tareq Saeed 10
    10) Amany Sameer 11
    11) Lashina Lashin 12
    12) Sayed El Romy 13
    13) Mariam El Khosht 14
    14) Hamza El Eily 15
    15) Magdy Al Sebaei 16

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Tareq Saeed 1
    2) Mostafa El Faramawy Director 2

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Fedaa El Shandawily 1

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    Name Synopses Official ? Options
    Maryam Nouhy Animated series wherein each episode tells the story of an Islamic figure and tells us more about the wonderful, peaceful religion that is Islam and the most prominent men that bore the flag of Islam. 200


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    Season Episode Duration Title Summaries Video Options
    1 1 17 Abu Dharr al-Ghifari Zaid gets into a fight with a field owner and kills him, so...Read more the judge orders that he be killed. He asks to visit his wife to give her money, and that's when Abu Dharr al-Ghifari promises to financially support him, and he's forgiven by the victim's siblings. 258
    1 2 17 Gaber Athrat Al Kiram Going through financial problems, Khozima is helped by Gaber...Read more Athrat Al Kiram. The Caliph then appoints Khozima a governor of the Arab Peninsula. Khozima imprisons Akrama when he learns that the treasury has been robbed but lets him out when it turns out that he's the one who helped him. 287
    1 3 17 Ibn Hanbal Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal travels to the Levant to confirm a...Read more prophet's hadith when he meets a baker who hosts him in his house. The baker prays for forgiveness before every prayer and God fulfills his wish of seeing Imam ibn Hanbal. 228
    1 4 17 Samarkand The Muslim army enters Samarkand without making its people...Read more choose between entering Islam, paying fines, or war, and they exit peacefully as per their judge's ruling. The people of Samarkand are astounded by the peaceful nature of Islam and many convert. 253
    1 5 17 A Heavenly Man The prophet (PBUH) tells his companions of a man who entered...Read more the mosque and that he's a man of heaven, so Abdullah decides to know what this man does. The man tells him he sleeps carrying no grudges towards any fellow Muslim. 225
    1 6 17 The Three Princesses The Muslims free Iraq from Persian rule after King Yazdegerd...Read more flees. The army returns with three imprisoned princesses, who are welcomed by Aisha. They later convert to Islam after being freed by Ali ibn Abi Talib and marry three of the sons of the prophet's companions. 269
    1 7 17 Al Khayyat the Muezzin The muezzin returns home one night to find burglars at his...Read more neighbor's house so he calls for prayer and the governor arrives and the muezzin reports them to him. The governor then rewards him for his honesty and extends an open invitation to his home. 250
    1 8 17 The Shepherd A poor shepherd serves a greedy, miserly master, so Abd...Read more Allah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab frees him from slavery and buys him a herd of sheep after realizing how honest he is. 171
    1 9 17 The Faulty Gown Sayf al-Dawla finds out a faulty gown was sold to a Jew in...Read more full price, so he decides to travel to return the money to the man who bought it. The Jew is astonished by the honest act and converts to Islam. 203
    1 10 17 Justice Shurayh converts to Islam after being treated unfairly by...Read more his uncle who took over his inheritance from his father. After becoming the judge of Kufa, he rules with justice, as per the teachings of Islam. 202
    1 11 17 The Apple A young man feels guilty after eating an apple and asks for...Read more the tree owner's forgiveness. He agrees to forgive him on the condition that he'd marry his handicapped daughter. The young man agrees only to find that the daughter is not handicapped and it turns out it was a test. 276
    1 12 17 The Fish A fisherman sells a fish and buys food for his family. On...Read more his way home, he finds a widow and her son crying from hunger so he gives them the food and is then rewarded by God by receiving money that belonged to his father. 221
    1 13 17 The Seed of Honesty A merchant decides that one son of his will inherit his...Read more business, so he tests his three sons. Only the youngest passes the test as he does not lie like his other two brothers. 175
    1 14 17 Umm al-Khayr King Nur ad-Din builds a large mosque and then dreams that...Read more the angels remove his name on the mosque and write the name of Umm al-Khayr. He later finds out that she's a woman who gave water to a donkey dying of thirst and actually names the mosque after her. 257
    1 15 17 A Field in Paradise A man refuses to sell a palm tree to an orphan in exchange...Read more for a palm tree in heaven, but Abul Dihdah offers the man his whole field in exchange for the palm tree, to receive a palm tree in heaven, and the man agrees, and God indeed grants Abul Dihdah a palm tree in heaven. 274
    1 16 17 Good Son Awis refuses to leave for hajj in favor of taking care of...Read more his mother. When she dies, he goes to perform hajj and Umar ibn al Khattab tells him he'll go to heaven and will intercede with God on behalf of many Muslims on Judgement Day. 233
    1 17 17 Dream Interpretation Muhammad Ibn Sirin refuses to sell spoiled oil and, unable...Read more to pay for the merchandise, he is imprisoned. While in prison, he studies dream interpretation, and upon his release, he begins interpreting dreams in his town. 219
    1 18 17 Right and Power Al Muthanna refuses to protect the prophet (PBUH) against...Read more the Persians since they're stronger. 13 years later, the prophet conquers Mecca, Islam spreads, and the Arab tribes pledge their loyalty to him. Al Muthanna converts to Islam and protects the Arabs against the Persians. 277
    1 19 17 For Allah's Sake The Caliph offers Raja to be his vizier and he agrees to...Read more protect Muslims. Raja was an architect who constructed the Dome of the Rock and his works always were for the sake of Allah. 181
    1 20 17 Life and Religion Abu Hanifa learns Islamic theology and excels in it with his...Read more own style, opening his own school. Abu Yusuf learns from Abu Hanifa and also excels in it until he becomes a grand judge under Harun al-Rashid. 204
    1 21 17 Although It Is Good for You Farukh travels for work, leaving his pregnant wife, and...Read more never returns. His son Rabiaa grows up until he becomes a grand theologian. Thirty years later, Farukh returns, asking for their forgiveness, which they grant him, and the family reunites. 244
    1 22 17 Pardon Thumamah ibn Uthal is imprisoned as an enemy of Islam....Read more However, he is later pardoned by the prophet (PBUH) and released. He then converts to Islam and fights the people of Quraysh. 180
    1 23 17 Marriage Sheikh Saeed refuses to let his daughter marry the caliph's...Read more son because of his bad behavior and chooses Abu Wadaa for her for his good behavior, despite his poverty. The caliph decides to punish him but Abu Wadaa sticks to his side, which reassures Saeed that he made the right choice. 285
    1 24 17 Succumbing to What's Right King Najashi of Aksum welcomed 100 Muslim immigrants from...Read more Mecca, and after finding out more about it, he converts to Islam with the help of Amr ibn al-As, not fearing he'd lose his position as king, and the prophet performs an absentee funeral prayer for him after his death. 275
    1 25 17 Line of Repentance Malik Dinar's daughter dies in infancy and he returns back...Read more to committing sins, but he repents to God and begins to write copies of the Holy Qur'an and distribute them in Basra. 176
    1 26 17 A Man's Word Nour Al Din Al Dimashqi hides Abbas ibn Ali in his home....Read more Abbas then returns the favor by helping Nour Al Din escape when he gets arrested years later, and asks him to be his minister in Damascus. 195
    1 27 17 Preventing and Giving Al Qassem lives in the house of his aunt Aisha bint Abu Bakr...Read more after his parents died and he becomes one of Medina's jurists. He also works on the expansion of the Prophet's Mosque and he realizes that God only prevents things for the greater good. 246
    1 28 17 Consider Allah Maymoun asks Ayoub for money and he gives him. Instead of...Read more thanking him, Maymoun breaks into his house to steal from him. However, the house falls apart around him, but Ayoub saves him and forgives him. Maymoun then helps rebuild Ayoub's house. 243
    1 29 17 Responsibility Muadh ibn Jabal goes to Yemen to teach is people about Islam...Read more upon the instructions of the prophet (PBUH). He helps Abu Muslim al-Khawlani convert to Islam and stands against Al-Aswad al-Ansi who falsely claimed prophecy, and the people of Yemen then converted to Islam. 271
    1 30 17 Loyalty Suraqa ibn Malik tries to kill the prophet (PBUH) but fails....Read more The prophet then promises to give him Khosrow's bracelet in return of not telling the people of Mecca his place. Suraqa converts to Islam after the conquest of Mecca and Umar ibn al Khattab gives him Khosrow's bracelet. 280