As Maestro Bassam disagrees with the musician Nazih, he gets to know and admire a cafe waitress.
Bassam is accused of killing the waitress Haneen, so he asks lawyer Rania to defend him, while Nazih visits him in prison and mocks him.
Investigations reveal the presence of Bassam's DNA around Haneen's body, and Rania begins to collect information about Haneen. Nazih takes advantage of Bassam's absence to lead the orchestra.
Rania seeks to prove Bassam's innocence and that he was not present during the crime. An unknown person posts stuff on social media against Bassam, who had problems with Haneen. Bassam is surprised by the appearance of Haneen's sister, Rafif.
Rafif reveals that quarrels took place between Bassam and Haneen, and she presents videos proving this, and Bassam's psychological state deteriorates.
Rania's husband objects to her taking on Bassam's case and tarnishing her reputation. She decides to withdraw from completing her job, and Bassam tells her that he has proof of his innocence.
Bassam reveals to the court that he has a tremor in his hand and cannot kill anyone. Nazih tries to approach Rafif to team up with her against Bassam, whose relationship with Rania develops.
Wael succeeds in finding the person who is posting the videos, and Bassam tries to return to his work with the orchestra.
The court decides to do a DNA test for Rafif and Nazih, suspecting that they were involved in killing Haneen. Bassam tries to mend his relationship with Rania.
Nazih is arrested, his house is searched, and the police find Haneen's blood in his house, so his father tries to help him in his ordeal.
Bassam is acquitted, and Nazih is sentenced to prison, so he commits suicide inside the cell, leading Rania to become suspicious of the investigation.
As Rania's suspicions of Bassam remain, she remembers Nazih's words about Bassam's involvement in killing Haneen, so she decides to obtain his medical file from Dr. Sami.
Wael helps Rania get information about the presence of Haneen's DNA and Sami's relationship with Bassam, and she discovers that the latter killed Haneen with his piano string.