The story follows the life of Abdul Hay as he struggles with society and his children over their view of him for his work as a dancer in a folk troupe, while Samar, the widow of his late brother, has...Read more seized his inheritance.
Abdul Hay suffers a heart attack and is transferred to the hospital after quarreling with his son Faris over the latter's objection to his father's work as a dancer in a folk dance troupe.
Favourite OSN Ya Hala Channel | Friday 17 January | 07:50 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN Ya Hala Channel | Friday 17 January | 08:35 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN Ya Hala Channel | Friday 17 January | 09:15 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN Ya Hala Channel | Friday 17 January | 09:55 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN Ya Hala Channel | Friday 17 January | 10:35 PM | Reminder |
The story follows the life of Abdul Hay as he struggles with society and his children over their view of him for his work as a dancer in a folk troupe, while Samar, the widow of...Read more his late brother, has seized his inheritance.