Add/Update Information: Movie - Ali & the Queens - 2021

    Basic Details

    Title علي والملكات
    Title in English Ali & the Queens
    Title's Translation
    Original Title Ali & the Queens/ Ali & Ratu Ratu Queens
    Release Year 2021
    Runtime 100
    Category Movie
    Status Released
    Is this a coloured title? Yes
    Egyptian Censorship
    MPAA Censorship TV-14
    Movie Budget 0
    Release Date
    17 June 2021 Indonesia true
    Filming Locations
    United States
    Social Media Links
    imdb tt11271990


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan 1
    2) Aurora Ribero 2
    3) Nirina Zubir 3
    4) Tika Panggabean 4
    5) Asri Welas 5
    6) Happy Salma 6
    7) Marissa Anita 7
    8) Bayu Skak 8
    9) Cut Mini Theo 9
    10) Ibnu Jamil 10
    11) Victoria Hope Chan 11
    12) Arief Didu 12
    13) Bari Hyman 13
    14) Sita Nursanti 14
    15) Jonathan Sienkiewicz 15

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Gina S. Noer 1
    2) Muhammad Zaidy 2

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Netflix Producer 1

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Lucky Kuswandi Director 1

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options


    Name Synopses Official ? Options
    farah ashraf A young teen sets off on a journey to the bustling New York City to search for his long-lost mother before events lead him to find love and unexpected surprises. 162


    Name Summaries Official ? Options


    Name Plots Official ? Options


    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Name Review Content Spoiler ? Official ? Options