In "The Board," everything is controlled by the strong, and the weak lack even self-control. Following her appointment as the company's CEO as a replacement for harasser Zaki, Mai sets out to...Read more establish her worth, prohibiting anyone from entering her personal space, in opposition to Rabeh, her longtime rival.
Zaki, the company's CEO, tries to harass Dana, who seeks help from his secretary, Mai, and she threatens to expose him if he does not resign from the company. Zaki is forced to call Rabeh and tell him about the matter, and he approves the resignation.
In "The Board," everything is controlled by the strong, and the weak lack even self-control. Following her appointment as the company's CEO as a replacement for harasser Zaki, Mai...Read more sets out to establish her worth, prohibiting anyone from entering her personal space, in opposition to Rabeh, her longtime rival.