In continuation of the previous seasons; Umm Saeed, Umm Salloum, Umm Allawi, and Umm Khammas continue their attempts to adapt to the hustle and bustle of city life and keep up with the developments...Read more that occur continuously.
Umm Allawi, accompanied by her friends, goes to Umm Hamid to tell her about the conditions of the women of Al Freej. Umm Saeed tries to convince Umm Hamid to make videos about this and publish them on social media, but the police arrest the latter for defaming the people’s reputation.
In continuation of the previous seasons; Umm Saeed, Umm Salloum, Umm Allawi, and Umm Khammas continue their attempts to adapt to the hustle and bustle of city life and keep up with...Read more the developments that occur continuously.