The series takes place in an old Levantine neighborhood, where it showcases the constant struggle for leadership between Abu Malik and his brother Abu Yassin, whose wife Fayza gets him into several...Read more problems, until Malik reappears and takes his father's rights.
The leader of the neighborhood, Abu Malik, is upset when a thief breaks into his house. He searches for him, not knowing that he is his son Malik, who left the house when he was young.
Favourite Qatar Channel | Thursday 21 November | 09:15 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Qatar Channel | Friday 22 November | 08:30 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Qatar Channel | Friday 22 November | 09:15 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Qatar Channel | Saturday 23 November | 05:30 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Qatar Channel | Saturday 23 November | 01:00 PM | Reminder |
The series takes place in an old Levantine neighborhood, where it showcases the constant struggle for leadership between Abu Malik and his brother Abu Yassin, whose wife Fayza...Read more gets him into several problems, until Malik reappears and takes his father's rights.