Title Content: Movie - Cinema Is A Social Nececity Together - 2024


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In conjunction with the Network of Alternative Arab Screens (NAAS) Assembly in Cairo, NAAS invites you to an evening of short film screenings at Zawya. ● Tigers are better looking, Hussein Shariffe, Sudan 1979, ENG OV, 20’ ● Blown By Wind, Jaques Madvo, Lebanon 1971, AR OV, 18’ ● Egypt, City of The Dead, Lebanon 1977, FR and AR OV, 38’ This collectively curated film program have been proposed by network members in response to NAAS’s year-long dossier on Localities and Dislocalities and is reflective of current and future programs from across the network. The dossier explores the interplay between rootedness and displacement. And examines how Cinema as a practice actively contributes to the ongoing reimagining of spaces and identities shaped by the complex experiences of dislocation. The screenings will be followed by a one hour panel discussion around current issues and programming from across the network.