Index: Names start with letter: إ

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
3801) Ishrat R. Khan India Writer
3802) Ichraf Ben Ghalba Tunisia Actor
3803) Ishraq Shah Writer
3804) Ishraq Abdel Hameed Tunisia Actor
3805) Ichrak Matar Tunisia Actor
3806) Isaiah Fredericks Actor
3807) Ishaya Bako Writer
3808) Ishlin Prasad Actor
3809) Ishmael Cheyne Actor
3810) Ish Morris Actor
3811) Eshna Chopra Actor
3812) Aishwarya Arjun India Actor 10 February 1990
3813) Aishwarya Rajesh India Actor 10 January 1990
3814) Ishita Chauhan India Actor 14 September 1999
3815) Eshita Syed Pakistan Actor 5 August 1988
3816) Ichirô Arishima Actor
3817) Eshika Dey India Actor 17 August 1995
3818) Ishika Mehra India Actor
3819) Ecem Atalay Actor
3820) Esrar El Sherif Egypt Actor
3821) Islah Abdel Rahman Actor
3822) Islah Ahmad Egypt Costume Designer
3823) Islah Awadallah Egypt Costume Designer
3824) Islanian Egypt Art Director
3825) Eetidal Al Massri Egypt Actor
3826) Eetedal Shahin Egypt Actor 6 March 1930
3827) Etedal Mohamed Egypt Actor
3828) Etemad Khorsheid Egypt Producer 29 August 1935
3829) Aijaz Aslam Pakistan Actor 3 October 1972
3830) Ighraa Egypt Actor
3831) Eghraa Syria Actor 19 February 1942
3832) Ignacio Prieto Mexico Cinematographer
3833) Efat Ara Bangladesh Actor
3834) Evaristo Márquez Actor
3835) F.F. Guenste US Actor
3836) F.X. Toole US Writer
3837) F.X. Vitolo US Actor
3838) Evalyn Knapp US Actor
3839) F.M. Einheit Germany Music Composer 18 December 1958
3840) FM Le Sieur Music Composer
3841) Iván Bastidas Actor
3842) F.A. Turner US Actor
3843) F. Britten Austin UK Writer
3844) F. Paul Benz US Editor 14 August 1966
3845) Iftach Ophir Actor
3846) Iftekhar Actor
3847) F.T. Anderson Actor
3848) F. Gary Gray US Director 17 July 1969
3849) F.J. DeSanto US Writer
3850) Evgeniya Trofimova Russia Actor