Index: Names start with letter: غ

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
1) Gabe Pulliam US Writer
2) Gabe Khouth Actor
3) Gabrielle Bou Rached Lebanon Actor 13 December 1985
4) Gabriel Egan Actor
5) Gabriel Munoz Munoz Actor
6) Gabriel Nuncio Mexico Writer
7) Gabriella Garcia US Actor
8) Gabriella Di Luzio Italy Actor 2 February 1951
9) Gabriela Rivas Actor
10) Gabriela Revilla Lugo Nicaragua Producer 23 May 1982
11) Gabriela Garcia Medina Cuba Actor
12) Gabriel Axel Denmark Writer 18 April 1918
13) Gabriel Olds Actor 24 March 1972
14) Gabriel Onnée Actor
15) Gabriela Uribe US Writer 6 August 1988
16) Gabrielle Popa Actor
17) Gabriel Paige US Actor
18) Gabriel Bijos Actor 13 December 1996
19) Gabriel Pimentel US Actor 28 July 1979
20) Gabriel Chung Georgia Actor 13 January 2003
21) Gabriel J. Esther Actor
22) Gabrielle Green Actor
23) Gabrielle Jourdan Actor
24) Gabrielle Downey Actor
25) Gabriel Dufay Actor
26) Gabrielle Demeestere France Writer
27) Gabriel Sabloff Director
28) Gabriele Schneider Krummenacher Actor
29) Gabriel Vázquez Cinematographer
30) Gabriel Folse Actor
31) Gabriel Constantin Romania Actor
32) Gabriel Kosuth Romania Cinematographer 29 April 1958
33) Gabriel Covayassi Actor
34) Gabriel Maegraith Actor
35) Gabriel McClain Actor 17 April 2001
36) Gabriel Maliki Syria Actor 17 November 1989
37) Gabrielle Nevaeh Actor
38) Gabriel Hammond Producer
39) Gabrielle Haugh US Actor 7 January 1996
40) Gabriel Hogan Actor 7 January 1973
41) Gabrielle Woods Actor
42) Gabrielle Witcher Actor
43) Gabe Fonseca Writer
44) Gabor Norman Art Director
45) Gabbie Asher Writer
46) Gabe Jarret Actor 1 January 1970
47) Fuad Ahmed Actor 1 October 1982
48) Gabe Gibbs Actor 21 October 1989
49) Gaby Saad Lebanon Director
50) Ghaby Farah Lebanon Music Composer