Index: Names start with letter: K

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
1) KSN Prod Tunisia Producer
2) Katie Shahrokh Editor
3) Katterli Frauenfelder Producer
4) Keith Marbory Stuntman
5) Katy Chevigny US Director
6) Kingset DKL Production Lebanon Producer
7) Kirill Abramov Editor
8) KSA Broadcasting Saudi Arabia Producer
9) Kingdom of Bahrain Broadcasting Bahrain Producer
10) Kamel El Telmessani Films Egypt Producer
11) Kamal El Shenawy Films Egypt Producer
12) Kamal Salah El-Din films Egypt Distributor
13) Kuwait Society for the Advancement of Arab Childhood Kuwait Producer
14) kalamoun Production Syria Producer
15) Keram Malicki-Sanchez Actor
16) Kuwait Cable TV Kuwait Producer
17) Kuwaiti Comedy Theater Kuwait Producer
18) Kuwait National Theater Kuwait Producer
19) King Bruce Franks III Actor
20) King George VI Actor
21) Kodak US Cinematographer
22) Kim Eung-soo South Korea Actor 12 February 1961
23) Kim Eui-sung South Korea Actor 17 December 1965
24) Katy Bentz Actor
25) Kim Bo-mi South Korea Actor 15 May 1987
26) Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds US Actor 10 April 1959
27) Kanwarjeet Paintal Actor
28) Kim Byeong-Ok South Korea Actor 11 October 1960
29) Kim Tae-Jung Actor
30) King Charles III UK Actor
31) Károly Kozma Actor
32) Ko Chang-seok South Korea Actor 13 October 1970
33) Kuan-Chun Chi Actor
34) Kim Cheol-gyu Director
35) KSA TV Saudi Arabia Producer 7 July 1965
36) Kuwait T.V Kuwait Producer 15 November 1961
37) Kim Ja-ok South Korea Actor 11 October 1951
38) Kim Jae-Wook South Korea Actor 2 April 1984
39) Ko Joo-won South Korea Actor
40) Kyung Soon Jung South Korea Writer
41) Keone Nunes Actor
42) Kumaravelan /G. N. R. Kumaravelan India Director 22 November 1974
43) Kim Jisoo South Korea Actor 3 January 1995
44) Kjell Aukrust Norway Writer 19 March 1920
45) Kang Jin Ah South Korea Actor
46) Kim Jee-woon South Korea Director 6 July 1964
47) Khasan Brailsford Actor
48) Khat Bell Actor
49) Khatima El Alaoui Morocco Actor
50) Khatun Ali Bahrain Producer