Index: Names start with letter: ب

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
18201) Bessie Love UK Actor 10 September 1898
18202) B.C. Noufal Director
18203) Bessie Holland Australia Actor
18204) Bais Yussuf Hassan Actor
18205) Bessie Wong Actor
18206) Bishakha Thapa Actor
18207) Bisha Chaturvedi Actor
18208) Bisha K. Ali Writer
18209) Bishal Pahari Nepal Actor
18210) Bishal Dutta Writer
18211) Bishal Vazhappilly India Actor
18212) Baishali Mazumder Actor
18213) Bisham Ahuja Actor
18214) Bishan Balabhadra Actor
18215) B Shantanu Actor
18216) Bishanyia Vincent Actor
18217) Peshka Maneva Bulgaria Actor
18218) Patience McStravick Actor
18219) Bishnu Kalita India Actor
18220) Patience Collier UK Actor 19 August 1910
18221) Bishop Agapit Actor
18222) Bishop Stevens US Actor
18223) Bishoy Ashraf Egypt Director
18224) Beshoy Emil Egypt Editor 17 January 1994
18225) Beshoy Hanna Egypt Writer
18226) Beshoy Rosefelt Egypt Cinematographer
18227) Bishoy Sami Egypt Actor
18228) Bishoy Taher Egypt Actor 23 February 1993
18229) Bishoy Atef Egypt Cinematographer
18230) Bishoy Fawzy Egypt Actor
18231) Bishoy Kamel Egypt Writer 15 July 1998
18232) Beshoy Youssef Egypt Director 8 March 1990
18233) Beshoy Younan Egypt Art Director 26 September 1995
18234) Peaches Jackson US Actor 9 October 1913
18235) Begüm Birgören Turkey Actor 20 September 1982
18236) Peggy Paola Art Director
18237) Peggy Pope US Actor
18238) Peggy Shay Actor
18239) Peyfa Director
18240) P. Vasu India Writer 15 September 1954
18241) Beva Steinberg Actor
18242) Biff Elliot US Actor 26 July 1923
18243) P.V. Manoj Kumar Actor
18244) Bee Vang Actor
18245) Bev Doyle Writer
18246) Bev Wright Make-up Artist
18247) Beverly Abbott US Graphic Designer
18248) Beverly Adams Canada Actor 7 November 1945
18249) Beverly Archer US Actor 19 July 1948
18250) Beverly S. Stohl Actor