Index: Names start with letter: ب

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
2401) Barry O'Connor Actor
2402) Barry Oliver Australia Actor
2403) Barry Egan Director
2404) Barry Aird Actor
2405) Barry Eisen Actor
2406) Barry Eisler Actor
2407) Barry Evans UK Actor 18 June 1943
2408) Barry Papick Actor
2409) Barry Battles US Writer
2410) Barrie Pattison Actor
2411) Barry Barton Actor
2412) Barry Barnholtz Actor
2413) Barry Barringer US Writer
2414) Pari Pandher India Actor
2415) Parree Pande India Actor
2416) Barry Bradford Actor
2417) Barry Brandt Actor
2418) Barry Brown Actor
2419) Barry Bernard UK Actor 4 October 1899
2420) Barry Bernardi Producer
2421) Barry Brooks US Actor 4 January 1910
2422) Barry Brooker Producer
2423) Barrie Britton Actor
2424) Barry Primus US Actor 16 February 1938
2425) Barry Blake Actor
2426) Barry Bostwick US Actor 24 February 1945
2427) Barry Poltermann Editor
2428) Barry Bonds US Actor
2429) Barry Piacente Actor
2430) Barry Pepper Canada Actor 4 April 1970
2431) Barry Peters US Editor
2432) Barry Peterson Canada Cinematographer
2433) Parry Burton Actor
2434) Barry Berfield Actor
2435) Barry Pearl US Actor
2436) Barry Berman Writer
2437) Barry Pickthall Actor
2438) Barry B. Leirer Editor
2439) Barry Tubb Actor
2440) Barry Tarallo Actor
2441) Barry Taff Actor
2442) Barret Oliver Actor
2443) Barrett Burgin Writer
2444) Barrett Perlman US Actor
2445) Barrett Doss US Actor
2446) Barry Trivers Writer
2447) Barri Tsavaris US Actor
2448) Barrett Shuler Actor
2449) Barrie Chase US Actor 20 October 1933
2450) Barrett Foa Actor