Index: Names start with letter: ج

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
1201) Gary Ross US Writer 3 November 1956
1202) Garry Rusoff Writer
1203) Garry Richards Cinematographer
1204) Gary Richardson Actor
1205) Gary Reid New Zealand Actor
1206) Gary Rydstrom US Sound Engineer 29 June 1959
1207) Gary Riley Actor
1208) Garry Zakaryan Armenia Director
1209) Garry Sandhu Actor
1210) Gireesaaya Director
1211) Gary Spinelli Writer
1212) Gary Stubbings Actor
1213) Gary Stretch UK Actor 4 November 1968
1214) Gary Sturm Actor
1215) Gary Stokes Actor
1216) Gary Stevan Scott Music Composer
1217) Gary Stephen Ross Writer
1218) Gary Skjoldmose Porter Actor
1219) Gary Scott Thompson US Writer 7 October 1959
1220) Gary Smith Writer
1221) Gary Swanson US Actor 1 September 1948
1222) Garrison Keillor US Actor 7 August 1942
1223) Garrison Michael Farquharson-Keener Ireland Actor
1224) Grayson Hosie Art Director
1225) Gary Sweet Australia Actor 22 May 1957
1226) Garry Sweeney UK Actor
1227) Gary Sirchia Actor
1228) Gary Sefton Actor
1229) Gary Sievers US Actor
1230) Gary Sinise US Actor 17 March 1955
1231) Gary Sinyor UK Director
1232) Gary Shaffer Director
1233) Garry Shandling US Actor 29 November 1949
1234) Gary Shteyngart Russia Writer
1235) Gireesh Gangadharan Cinematographer
1236) Gary Schroen US Actor
1237) Jari Shamas Egypt Sound Engineer
1238) Gireesh Nair Writer
1239) Gary Shaw US Cinematographer 18 March 1963
1240) Gary Schwartz US Actor
1241) Gary Sugarman Writer
1242) Gary Shore Ireland Director
1243) Gary Sherman Writer
1244) Gary Shivers Actor
1245) Gary Shield Casting
1246) Gary Faga Actor
1247) Gary Farmer Actor
1248) Gary Valentine US Actor 22 November 1961
1249) Gary Fannin Actor
1250) Gary Frank Actor