Index: Names start with letter: د

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
11801) David Newbert Cinematographer
11802) David Newton Writer
11803) David Newton Actor
11804) David Newsom US Actor 10 March 1962
11805) David Newman Casting
11806) David Newman US Writer 4 February 1937
11807) David Newman US Music Composer 11 March 1954
11808) David Newhouse UK Writer
11809) David Newell US Actor 23 January 1905
11810) David Hutcheson UK Actor 14 June 1905
11811) David Hutchison US Actor
11812) David Hutton Cinematographer
11813) David Hagar Actor
11814) David Hudgins Writer
11815) David Hadinger Actor
11816) David Harbour US Actor 10 April 1975
11817) David Hart US Actor 6 February 1954
11818) David Hartl Actor
11819) David Hartman Director
11820) David Hargreaves Actor
11821) David Harrower Writer
11822) David Harrod Jr. Actor
11823) David Harewood UK Actor 8 December 1965
11824) David Harris US Actor 9 August 1975
11825) David Harris Kline Writer
11826) David Harrington Cinematographer
11827) David Hastings UK Writer
11828) David Haskell Actor
11829) David Hasselhoff US Actor 17 July 1952
11830) David Hache Actor
11831) David Haverty Actor
11832) David Haviland Actor
11833) David Haack Actor
11834) David Hack Art Director
11835) David Hackl Canada Director 7 February 1963
11836) David Halver Actor
11837) David Haley Actor
11838) David Hamblyn Writer
11839) David Hamilton UK Producer 15 April 1933
11840) David Hunt UK Actor 10 December 1953
11841) David Hand US Director 23 January 1900
11842) David Handman Editor
11843) David Hanson Actor
11844) Dave Hanson Actor
11845) David Hankin Actor
11846) David House Actor
11847) David Hausman Actor
11848) David Hounslow UK Actor
11849) David Hayter Writer
11850) David Hayter US Writer 6 February 1969