Index: Names start with letter: ك

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
2251) Carl Beukes South Africa Actor 3 October 1976
2252) Carl Tart Writer
2253) Karl Taro Greenfeld Writer
2254) Carl Zuckmayer Germany Writer
2255) Carl Chao Actor
2256) Karl T. Himmel Actor
2257) Carl Toftfelt Actor 12 February 1980
2258) Carl Thomas Actor
2259) Karl Tunberg US Writer 11 March 1907
2260) Carleton Bluford Actor
2261) Carlton Bowen Actor
2262) Carlton Grant Jr. Actor
2263) Carlton Griffin US Actor 23 May 1893
2264) Carleton Ranney Writer 4 August 1986
2265) Carlton S. King Actor
2266) Carlton Caudle US Actor 12 September 1967
2267) Carlton Cuse Mexico Writer 22 March 1959
2268) Karlton Laing Actor
2269) Carlton Morton Actor
2270) Carleton Hobbs UK Actor 18 June 1898
2271) Carlton Holder US Actor 23 April 1962
2272) Carlton Hershman Actor
2273) Carlton Wilborn Actor 29 May 1964
2274) Carleton Young US Actor
2275) Carl Tibbetts UK Director
2276) Karl T. Wright Actor
2277) Karl T. Hirsch Writer
2278) Karl Thaning Actor 9 May 1977
2279) Karl Thordarson Actor
2280) Karl Theobald UK Actor 5 August 1969
2281) Carl Theodor Dreyer Denmark Writer 3 February 1889
2282) Carl Thiel Music Composer 30 November 1965
2283) Carl Gabriel Yorke US Actor 23 November 1952
2284) Karl Gajdusek US Writer 30 July 1968
2285) Carl Jadot Actor
2286) Carl Jackson US Writer
2287) Carl Gilliard US Actor 18 April 1958
2288) Karl Janisse Canada Cinematographer
2289) Karl J. Arana Actor
2290) Karl Geary Actor 31 May 1972
2291) Carl J. Matusovich Actor
2292) Karl Graboshas Actor
2293) Karl Gregory Actor
2294) Karl Glick Actor
2295) Carl Jensen IV Writer
2296) Carl Gottlieb US Writer 18 March 1938
2297) Carl Goetz Actor
2298) Karl Geurs US Writer 1 June 1948
2299) Carl Gordon Actor
2300) Carl Joos Writer