List Of The Best Foreign Films Natural Disasters

  • Deep Impact

  • 5.3
  • Leo Biederman discovers a foreign object in orbit while using the astronomical observatory at his school. His teacher warns astronomer Wolf , and finds out that it's comet on a collision course with...Read more the earth. The news reaches top command, and a joint US-Russian team is sent to destroy the comet.

  • Only the Brave

  • 6.5
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • The film tells the story of a group of firefighters from the city of Prescott, Arizona, who responded to a massive fire in the city of Yarnell in June 2013, where the fires reached 19 members from the...Read more fire department team.

  • Trailer

  • The Day After Tomorrow

  • 7.2
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • After a huge ice sheet has sheared off, the planet is pushed into a new Ice Age. In a freezing temperature after a huge wave has hit New York, a father takes a daring trip across America to save his...Read more son.