Movies About Forbidden Love

  • 5. Lolita

  • 5.2
  • Based on Vladimir Nabokov's famous novel of the same name; the plot follows a middle-aged professor of English literature who develops an obsession with the teenage daughter of his widowed landlady,...Read more which leads to terrible consequences.

  • 4. Avatar

  • 9.1
      • مصري
      • +12
      • تقييمنا
      • Adult Supervision
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • A paraplegic ex-marine, Jake Sully, is recruited to operate an "Avatar," a human mind in an alien body, with the highly advanced technology of a corporation seeking to plunder the resources of the...Read more planet Pandora.

  • Trailer

  • 3. Romeo + Juliet

  • 7.2
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • Adapted into a post-modern city, this retelling of the famous Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet tragedy features two rival gangs, the Capulets and the Montagues. As Juliet attends a costume ball thrown...Read more by her parents, Romeo secretly attends and grows fond of her.

  • 2. Titanic

  • 9.1
      • مصري
      • +12
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • Aboard the Titanic, the aristocratic Rose finds a kindred spirit in the low-class drifter Jack. As love blossoms between the two, Rose's fiancé and her mother do their best to separate Jack and Rose,...Read more unaware that a terrible tragedy awaits all of them.

  • Trailer

  • 1. Twilight

  • 6.8
  • The film follows a romance between Bella Swan (a teenage girl) and Edward Cullen (a vampire), and the subsequent efforts of Cullen and his family to keep Swan safe from a coven of evil vampires.