In Depression-era London, grown up Jane and Michael Banks, along with Michael's three children, are visited by the mysterious Mary Poppins following a personal loss. Through her exceptional magical...Read more skills, and with the support of her friend Jack, she helps the family rediscover the joy and wonder of life.
In the wake of his wife's death, Cedric struggles to rein in his rambunctious seven children who make it a habit to drive their nannies away. He finds a solution in Nanny McPhee, a mysterious...Read more governess who appears to have magical powers and no intention to give in to the children's misadventures.
Following their divorce, Daniel Hillard's wife takes custody of the children, leaving Daniel to look for a way to see his children. Daniel eventually disguises himself as a housekeeper named Mrs....Read more Doubtfire and convinces his ex-wife to hire him as a nanny.
The story of Mary Poppins, a magical nanny who moves around with her umbrella. When Mr. Banks asks her to work as a nanny in a bored and cold family, she uses her magical powers and hidden abilities...Read more to bring fun to the family and help with her mission.