Add/Update Information: زكي عيسى - Sound Engineer

    Basic Information

    Person Name زكي عيسى
    Person Name in English
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Egypt
    gender male
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links


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    Name Trivia Body Criteria Options


    Section Sound Engineer

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) Al-Irhabi Sound Recording
    2) Thalathah Alaa Maidat Al-Dam
    3) Alraqs mae alshaytan
    4) Almansi Sound Assistant
    5) Imraa Tadfa Althaman
    6) El Irhab Wel Kabab Sound Recording
    7) Al-Hob Fi Al-Thalaja Sound Recording
    8) Darab albihilwan Dialogue Recording
    9) Shayatin Alshurta
    10) Leabat Al-Intiqam
    11) Alshaytan yuqadim hallaan
    12) El Lea'b Ma'a Elkobar
    13) Raghba Motawahisha
    14) Samea Hos Dialogue Recording
    15) Shams El Zanati
    16) Musagal Khatar
    17) Nisa Saealik Dialogue Recording
    18) The Downfall Dialogue Recording
    19) Young People on a Whim Sound Recording
    20) Return of the Fugitive
    21) Welad El Eih Sound Recording
    22) The Devil's Friends
    23) Sarkhat Nadam
    24) El Emlaaq
    25) A Date with Destiny Dialogue Recording
    26) The Daily Life of a Modern Woman Sound Recording
    27) The Despicable Sound Recording
    28) El-Toot wel Nabboot
    29) Aljalsat siriya Sound Recording
    30) Al Hob Fawk Hadabat Al Haram Dialogue Recording
    31) The Agonizing Patience Sound Recording
    32) Al-Waratha
    33) Station on the Street Sound Recording
    34) The Verdict Sound Recording
    35) Alfawl sadiqi Dialogue Recording
    36) Al Motarad Sound Recording
    37) Qadeyet Aam Ahmed
    38) Two On Air Sound Recording
    39) Al-la'ana Sound Recording
    40) Al Laila Al Mawaoda
    41) Taboonet Hamza
    42) Fetewet Elnas Elghalaba Sound Engineer
    43) Mayn fina alhiramii
    44) Aswar Al-Mdabegh
    45) Aldhiaab Dialogue Recording
    46) El Ghoul Dialogue Recording
    47) Almutasawil Sound Recording
    48) Sijn bila qadban Sound Recording
    49) Wahush almina
    50) Al-Salakhana Dialogue Recording
    51) A VIP Invitation
    52) Essabet Hamada Wi Tutu Dialogue Recording
    53) Lilfaqid alrahma
    54) Al-Rahma Ya Nas Dialogue Recording
    55) Ahl El-Qema Sound Recording
    56) Rihlat alrueb Dialogue Recording
    57) Fetewat Boulaq Sound Recording
    58) Laylat shita dafia
    59) Mae Taheyati Li Ostazi El Aziz
    60) Ayna Tokhbeoun Al-Shams Sound Recording
    61) Ghdaan saantaqim
    62) Congrats, It's a Boy Sound Recording
    63) Aqwa Min Al-Ayam Dialogue Recording
    64) Al'aydiu alqadhra Sound Recording
    65) The Girl Has Grown Up Dialogue Recording
    66) The Savage Dialogue Recording
    67) Al-Shebak Sound Recording
    68) Al-Qadeya Al-Mashhora Sound Assistant
    69) Daa El Omr Ya Walady Sound Assistant
    70) Wdaa'n llazab Sound Recording
    71) Ebnati Wil Zaeeb Sound Assistant
    72) Alhabu qabl alkhubz ahyanana Sound Assistant
    73) Ayna almafar? Sound Assistant
    74) Siqan fi alwahl
    75) Awdat Al Ibn Aldal
    76) A Teenager from the Countryside Sound Assistant
    77) Wa Bil Walidayn Ihsanan
    78) The Lady and the Wolves Sound Assistant
    79) Alshaati Almahjur
    80) El Kol Aayez Yeheb
    81) Alaw.. ana alquta
    82) Let Us Love Sound Assistant
    83) A Question in Love Sound Assistant
    84) Shaeban hadhih al'ayaam Sound Assistant
    85) Saeed El Nissaa Sound Assistant
    86) Youm El Ahad El Dammi
    87) Abnaa El Samt Sound Assistant
    88) Al Abtaal Dialogue Recording
    89) Imra'a Lel Hob Sound Assistant
    90) Alshayatin fi 'ajaza
    91) Sawt el hobb Sound Assistant
    92) The Lights Sound Assistant
    93) Alhajiz
    94) Shayatteen El-bahr Sound Assistant
    95) Moments of Fear Sound Assistant
    96) Adam wel Nessa Sound Assistant
    97) Sbe allayl Sound Assistant
    98) Youth in a Storm Sound Engineer
    99) El Maganin El Talata Sound Assistant
    100) Delusions of Love Sound Assistant
    101) I Love You, Beautiful Sound Assistant
    102) The Egyptian Dalal Sound Assistant
    103) Escape Sound Assistant
    104) One in a Million Sound Assistant
    105) Night Gates Sound Assistant
    106) The Horror
    107) Al-Nas Elli Gowa Sound Assistant
    108) Yaoumeyat Na'eb fe Al-Aryaf Sound Assistant
    109) Eve on the Road Sound Assistant
    110) El Ott El Eswed Sound Assistant
    111) Years Of Love Sound Assistant
    112) Arees Li Okhti Sound Assistant

    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Writer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Cinematographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Editor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Distributor

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Costume Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Makeup Artist

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Stuntman

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Music Composer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Photographer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Public Relations

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Art Director

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Graphic Designer

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Laboratory

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Casting

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Other

    Name Role/Job Options

    Section Dubbing

    Name Role/Job Options