Ministry of the Interior Halts “Al Maslaha” (“The Asylum”), E’zz and El Sekka’s Latest Work

  • News
  • 11:55 AM - 23 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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The Egyptian Ministry of the Interior has halted the filming of “Al Maslaha”. The work is directed by Sandra Nashaat and features the talents of Ahmed El Sekka and Ahmed E’zz. The work uncovers the details of an investigation into a major drug ring and the ministry has ordered its stop because it reveals important methods used by the ministry in combating drug trafficking. This would mean that further work on the film must be delayed pending the ministry’s permission for continuation.The work is in fact an adaptation of a crime which actually took place. Investigations related to that crime later uncovered the largest “Hashish” trading ring. The ministry has requested the filming crew to omit any scenes filmed at locations which draw attention, in addition to locations where filming is not allowed anyway. The screenplay’s author Wael A’bd Allah objected to these restrictions and stated that if he were to abide by the rules set by the ministry the film would lose vital and integral scenes in addition to losing the air of dramatic thrill which it is based on.On the other hand, state security sources that did not reveal their identity have stated: “The ministry objects to scenes in the movie that represent the methods by which investigations are carried out noting that those tools are exclusive to law enforcement officers and that it is unreasonable to allow their portrayal in a cinematic production.” The source further stated that the ministry had facilitated the work of the film’s leading actors in addition to providing them with a lot of information regarding famous police cases. Moreover, the ministry had also revealed the nature of procedures that are in the public domain and are utilized by officers and that the ministry will allow filming to go ahead following the omission of those segments of the production that it objects to.Worthy of note is that “Al Maslaha” posits a distinctly humane theme against a backdrop of action and thrill. In particular the title relates the events of a conflict between a drug dealer, portrayed by performer Ahmed E’zz and a police officer portrayed by Ahmed El Sekka.

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