“Karyoka” put off till 2012

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  • 02:36 AM - 7 March 2011
  • 1 photo

TV series “Karyoka’s” producer is currently holding meetings with the work’s crew in order to reach a settlement whereby filming could resume. Filming was halted on more than one occasion following the producer’s inability to secure distribution for the title in the light of the unstable times which have blighted media in Egypt and the Arab World. The circumstances make it difficult to market television dramas at the present time.The producer has asked those working on the series to allow a reduction of their salaries to one half of what they previously were. A number of the title’s performers, headed by the title’s star Wafaa ‘Amer, have agreed to the reduction. However, when the producer requested that some of the planned trips abroad be cancelled in order to further decrease production costs the director objected indicating that that would impact the series of events portrayed in the drama. The sessions concluded with the agreement that the title will be delayed until the Ramadan following the next so that the work could come out in its best form. Everyone has agreed to this including the production’s writer Fathy al-Guindy.“Karyoka” is directed by ‘Umar al-Sheikh. It utilizes a screenplay written by Fathy al-Guindy and stars ‘Ezzat Abou ‘Ouf, Tamer ‘Abd Al Mon’em, Mohamed Ramadan and Fadyah ‘Abd Al Ghany in addition to a host of other stars.Wafaa ‘Amer had announced from early on that she refuses to wear traditional oriental dance clothes. That choice of apparel was then replaced by clothes of a Spanish type to be used when presenting the Sabma and Rumba dances in addition to the “Karyoka” dance which Tahyya was famous for presenting towards the beginning of her career. Dancing comes in all forms and flavors and Karyoka had chosen the type of dance which best suited her.The series is also expected to present Karyoka’s political role in addition to her spouses which have numbered sixteen and included Rashdy Abaza who married her towards the start of his artistic career.

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