Haifa Wehbe in a state of romance as she celebrates her second wedding anniversary

  • News
  • 11:03 AM - 16 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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Lebanese musician Haifa Wehbe has celebrated her second wedding anniversary to businessman Ahmed Abou Hashima whereby she has announced that she forgets that she is a star when with him and that her love for him has not changed but rather increases day by day. The musician listed the positives of her lover and said: “I am attracted to Ahmed’s manliness, kindness, gentleness, humor and all that is in him. My time with him has left me feeling stable and with peace of mind and he has given me a sense of psychological security which I had sorely missed. I feel that I am with a man who could really protect me.”Haifa has also indicated that she leaves the world of stardom when she is with her husband whereby she said: “My husband is the only person who sees me at my nature and without manufacture or frill. For him I waive with my own free will the glitter and glamour of Haifa Wehbe. When with him I remove the mask of stardom and the cloak of fame so that I transform into a lover and a wife. Together we cultivate the sense of mutual love and abundant compassion. Ahmed has taught me how to love life and await tomorrow eagerly!”Moreover Haifa has added: “I want to say to my husband on the occasion of our second anniversary, I hope that we are together for many more years and I hope that I have been the model wife over the past two years.” Wehbe also said: “In all honesty, I find it difficult to understand what people mean by saying that marriage means the end of true love – whoever says so is wrong and I am the best proof for that as my love before marriage has continued into the marriage. Ahmed is a model person and he has intelligence, potential and patience.”

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