I am innocent of accusations of degrading and nudity says actress Ghada Abdel Razaak

  • News
  • 12:04 PM - 28 July 2011
  • 3 photos

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Actress Ghada Abdel Razek refused judgments that accused her of nudity and degrading quality of work. She said who ever is judging me should watch movies made in the sixties and seventies for big movie stars before judging my work. She gave an example of the legendary actress “Hend Rostom” who was considered the “Middle East Marlene Monroe “ Ghada says that sometimes the actual story requires certain measures and if those measures are not carried out exactly according to the facts then we are not representing reality but instead making our own story. Ghada is involved in a series that will play in Ramadan called “Samara” which is a biography of a low class female that uses her charm and intelligence to climb up the ladder of success. She is also working on her new movie “Reklam”

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