Youssri Nash Allah continues filming Reem, Mahmoud and Fatma in Nazlet El Seman area

  • News
  • 01:15 PM - 12 September 2011
  • 1 photo

After a short break due to Eid Al Fetr, director Youssri Nasr Allah continues filming his new movie "Reem , Mahmoud and Fatma" in Nazlet El Seman area in Cairo.It is considered a new approach in the Egyptian cinema that combines between the narrative and documentary, through 5 main characters that represent the different social and economical levels in the society, and how each individual dealt with the revolution. Nasr Allah had filmed a significant amount of footage to use as documentary. Filming will end with the upcoming elections, which has not been determined yet. The movie stars Menna Shalaby, Basem Samra, Nahed El Sebai, Farah and Salwa Mohamed Aly.

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