Documenting “The Way to Tahrir” on the first anniversary of the revolution.

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  • 02:27 PM - 4 January 2012
  • 1 photo

On Friday the 25th of January, Al Jazeera Documentary along with Al Fanar Media are releasing a documentary depicting the revolution in Tahrir that took place on the 25th of January after the reign of the ex president Hosni Mubarak for 30 years, and how he was forced out of power finally on the 11th of February. The documentary is compiled by Sameh Hanin and directed by Mohamed Mamdouh. The movie is a 3 part movie portraying the relationship between ousted president Hosni Mubarak and his people.Where part one of the movie is labeled as “The Test” portraying the first period of his rule and how he faced the challenges that confronted him, as well as displaying the political scene at the time.Part two is “The Rigidity”, portraying the period of the nineties, and the gulf war that was fought in alliance with the USA.As for part three, this is the “The Heir” portrayed in the uprising of Gamal Mubarak and his involvement in the political life, as well as the participation of a big range of businessmen in the political scene which led to its corruption, and the deterioration of the life of the average Egyptian. This in turn led to the creation of movements and parties such as “6th of April” and “Kefaya”. The documentary will play at 7pm on the 6th of January 2012.

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