Huge Leap for the Saudi Cinema in Gulf Film Festival

  • News
  • 09:31 AM - 8 April 2012
  • 1 photo

The fifth annual Gulf Film Festival this month will witness great participation of Filmmakers in Saudi Arabia, the biggest country in Gulf, and Qatar, the smallest one. Great variety of topics are discussed in participating movies; from issues like Women rights and environment to Arab revolutions and other unorthodox topics.11 Saudi movies will take part in the festival to show how much Saudi cinema has improved recently. All these movies will be shown for the first time internationally, solidifying the festival’s status as the greatest platform to present movies in Arab gulf countries.The Saudi movies in the festival discuss an assortment of topics. For example, one story portrays a Saudi wife’s dilemma to get by while deprived of using her family’s car that is 100 % working, while another one is about a true story of a man who changes his lifestyle in order to protect the environment. Another movie is about an exceptional story of a cat that meows grieving the loss of her old owner.The Festival will also show 3 Qatari movies; 2 global premiere movies in addition to an international premiere documentary that discusses the Egyptian revolution.The festival presents a rare opportunity for general crowd of residents and visitors of United Arab Emirates to watch all participating movies for free, and therefore get a better in-depth look into the Gulf area.

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