Youssry Nasr Allah's "Baad El Maaraka" in Cannes Film Festival

  • News
  • 03:45 PM - 19 April 2012
  • 1 photo

“Baad El Maaraka” or “After the battle” formerly known as “Reem, Mahmoud and Fatma” was announced moments ago among the 20 films participating in the official competition for Cannes Film Festival this year starting 16th of May and ending in the 28th. The film is directed by Youssry Nasr Allah. This marks a great milestone in the history of the Egyptian cinema and a personal achievement for Youssry Nasr Allah himself which is considered by most the best director alive.Filming for the film took a whole year after the Egyptian revolution, documenting the highlights of the aftermath of the old regime’s downfall and changes in the Egyptian community.The film didn’t have a script; it had only 40 pages of guidelines by the director highlighting the main points leaving the rest to the actors and to real life characters.The film is starring Menna Shalaby, Bassem Samra, Nahed El-Sebaay, Farah and Salwa Mohamed Aly.

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