Kristen Stewart on Crutches at the Oscars, Inspires Silly Tweets

  • News
  • 03:26 AM - 25 February 2013
  • 3 photos

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Unfortunately for the 22-year-old Twilight star, Kristen Stewart had to attend the 85th Academy Awards in Los Angeles on crutches. She managed to present an award alongside Daniel Radcliffe (teen franchise solidarity!) without taking her crutches up on stage.

When MTV reporter Josh Horowitz asked her what happened as she hobbled by on the red carpet, she replied, "I'm an idiot." According to People magazine, the actress, whose relationship with longtime boyfriend Robert Pattinson is on the rocks after a messy cheating scandal, cut her foot on broken glass before the big ceremony.

Actor Joel McHale tweeted, "Kristen Stewart is limping because she sprained her ankle from being excessively disinterested."

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