Kanye West Could Be Locked Up for Attacking a Paparazzo

  • News
  • 02:23 PM - 16 September 2013
  • 1 photo

American rapper Kanye West could face imprisonment due to an altercation he had with a paparazzi photographer at the Los Angeles International Airport on July 19. The 36-year-old rapper, who put out his 6th studio album “Yeezus” this June, was charged this past Friday with misdemeanor battery and attempted grand theft. He is accused of knocking the paparazzo, Daniel Ramos, onto the ground and trying to take his camera away from him.

Kanye is due in court on October 10.

Ramos’ attorney, Gloria Allred, released the following statement: “We are very gratified to learn today that the L.A. City Attorney has chosen to criminally charge Kanye West with one count of battery and one count of attempted grand theft as a result of his unjustified attack on our client who is a photographer and who was the victim of Mr. West's attack.”

“Celebrities should be held to the same standards as anyone else and we are very gratified that the LA City Attorney is not intimidated by Mr. West's fame and fortune.”

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