Ramadan 2013 Series Schedule

Lan Oltob el Talaq

  • 8.4

This social drama revolves around relationships between men and women, marital relationships, the issues that come with married life, and the reasons divorce may be the solution to some of those problems.

Al Mohal

  • 5.9

This show strings together realistic romantic vignettes in which greed, betrayal, loyalty and other elements factor in.

Akher Emara alal Yemeen

  • 5.8

This comedy tackles a number of social issues and problems facing Egyptian society at the current moment.

Ism Mo'aqat

  • 8
    • مصري
    • All Ages
    • تقييمنا
    • Family (all ages)

A businessman decides to return home after ten years abroad, during which time he's achieved all the success and wealth in the world. After a fateful accident, he loses his memory and struggles to know his true self and identity, as each episode unveils a further piece of the puzzle.

Alf Salama

  • 7.4
    • مصري
    • All Ages
    • تقييمنا
    • Family (all ages)

This satirical comedy revolves around a man called Salama who gets out of prison after being charged with theft. He searches for work, which he finds as a nurse for an old man. Old habits die hard; Salama plots to take advantage of his work to steal again.

Al Malafea

  • 5.6

The series deals with the period of the 50s in the history of Kuwait, where it discusses various social issues through the character of a woman named Ghanima, who suffers from many contradictions and mental disorders in her actions.

Hashtagging S2

  • 4.3

The show, comprised of 30 disconnected episodes, gives the viewer snapshots of daily and social life in different areas in the Gulf.

Al Majhoola

  • 5.3

Ya Min Hawahu

  • 5.5

Amar Al-Sham

  • 7

Shahran Al-Baghgaty rejects the idea of marriage so he can help his friends and neighbors with their own lives and loves. But when his brother is killed, he vows revenge. At the same time, a strong friendship develops between him and a young man from the neighborhood, Ma'moun.


  • 6.8

A drama about a group of women of different ages and from different social ranks, and how such problems like spinsterhood, divorce, spousal abandonment, reproductive issues and sexual violence affect their lives.


  • 7.2

The story of a Christian woman named Amalia, who lives in a village on the Lebanese outskirts. As she marries a young Muslim man from her village, their families refuse their marriage. The couple has two children before the husband dies and things take a turn.

Dhib Al-Saraya

  • 6.3

The series highlights the values ​​of the desert like chivalry, sacrifice, and loyalty, through the story of Mot'ab, who is born an orphan as his father is killed in battle and his mother dies in childbirth. As Mot'ab grows up, he becomes a renowned knight among the tribes.


  • 5

Inspired by the court archives, the series dramatizes various cases, whether it's criminal, familial or work-related, as it's discussed from a legal perspective.

Taht El-Ard

  • 6.9
    • مصري
    • All Ages
    • تقييمنا
    • Family (all ages)

State security officer, Gamal Al-Jabali (Amir Karara) becomes a hired terrorist for an official entity who aims to keep the country in turmoil to stay in power. He falls in love with Tuline (Songul Odin) who suffers from her cruel husband Al-Mahdy(Hatem Ali), the leader of a mafia gang.

Hekayet Hayat

  • 7.9
    • مصري
    • All Ages
    • تقييمنا
    • Adult Supervision

Hayat is a schizophrenic woman who was admitted to a mental hospital after killing her mother. When she successfully convinces her doctor that she was set up by her family, he helps her leave the hospital to begin a journey full of unexpected surprises and mysterious turns.


  • 5.9
    • مصري
    • All Ages
    • تقييمنا
    • Adult Supervision

Gaber (Munther Rihana) lives with his mother (Hala Fakher) and his sister (Reem Baroudi) along with his mentally disabled brother. He relies on robbery and bullying to make money, and over time, Gaber becomes a gang leader, then he meets the thief (Mohamed Lotfy) who helps him join a bigger gang.

Hamiha Wi Haramiha

  • 8.1
    • مصري
    • All Ages
    • تقييمنا
    • Family (all ages)

The story of twin brothers who got separated. One is Fatin, a lawyer who tries to enforce the law and achieve justice. The other becomes a thief called Misho, who's the head of a gang, and sees that power is always above the law. The two meet in strange circumstances and face many conflicts.