The series revolves around the many comic situations that take place between two friends, Sami, who's known as Maroub, and Nasser, who's known as Nasoura, and their friends and family.
Qais, Hamma and Talal are three friends who find themselves in comic situations all the time because of their neighbors' intrusion into their home and privacy, especially their neighbor Cyrine. In each episode they are exposed to a certain Tunisian issue that influences young people and try to...Read more criticize it in their own way.
Taking place between 1914 and 1943, the orphan girl Nesrine grows up in the house of Wajih. She aids the rebels against the French occupation and is forced to marry Dr. Bassem after she mistakenly thinks that her beloved, Rabi'e, has died. Will fate reunite Nesrine and Rabi'e?
The story of a son living with his rich father who dies after which he discovers that he has a group of brothers and sisters because his father was a womanizer. The series highlights the conflict between the siblings and how they are forced to get along afterwards.
After Abu Amer beat his wife Fawzya, everyone thinks she has died, but the series carries a new twist, as it shows the invisible hands that support terrorism, especially ISIS.
The events of the series follows where it left last season, with the kidnapping of Ghulis Ibn Rumaih and the tribes seeking revenge from each other. This season revolves around vengeance and how Ghulis Ibn Rumaih grew up away from his father but got to meet him when he grew up and succeeded him as...Read more leader of the tribe. Ghulis begins to settle his personal accounts with different tribes, including the tribe of Zeid and the tribe of his grandfather, Manawer, in addition to taking revenge from Baad bin Shuail, who killed his mother.
An animated series that revolves around Captain Azouz who inherits a plane from his grandfather and decides to open his own aviation company at Imbaba airport and bring all his friends, and all of them get exposed to comical situations.
A university professor is tasked with writing a play that teaches people how to face challenges and believe in the concept of freedom, but he is surprised by the many interruptions and disagreements among the cast members.
A group of cancer patients between the ages of 13 and 25 decide to form a band and call it 'the Red Band Society' after the red tape they have around their wrists, as they are all patients in the oncology ward. The series follows how these young people conquer their illness.