The series follows the rise of Abdel Ghafour Al-Bora'ei from a humble origin until he becomes a business owner. He meets Fatma; they get married and are blessed with four daughters who shower their...Read more parents with love, and a son who wants to distance himself from his father's legacy.
Abdel Ghafour starts working for Master Sardina on the recommendation of Sheikh Hanafy Al-Anbary. As he starts to learn the ropes, he buys koshary from Fatma and talks to her about how to make it.
The series follows the rise of Abdel Ghafour Al-Bora'ei from a humble origin until he becomes a business owner. He meets Fatma; they get married and are blessed with four...Read more daughters who shower their parents with love, and a son who wants to distance himself from his father's legacy.