The story chronicles the class struggle between the old feudal class represented by the Azizi family and the new owners class represented by the Sawalmi family, former wage earners who used to work...Read more for the Azizis. The Sawalmi family resorts to illegitimate ways to get money to compete with the Azizis.
Bodur tells Hajja Wanisa about the success of her son Fares Al-Azizi in the parliament elections, who sends Damarany to tell her eldest son Rafie the news. The police call Wahby Al-Sawalmi to ask him about his fugitive brother Wasfy.
The story chronicles the class struggle between the old feudal class represented by the Azizi family and the new owners class represented by the Sawalmi family, former wage earners...Read more who used to work for the Azizis. The Sawalmi family resorts to illegitimate ways to get money to compete with the Azizis.