The events revolve around Abu Jassem (Jassem's father) who seizes the inheritance of his siblings on the pretext that he has worked hard in order for this inheritance to grow. As days go by, he is...Read more taken aback when his eldest son, Jassem, does to his siblings what his father did before.
As Fathi's wedding takes place, all members of the family of Abu Jassem (Jassem's father) offer their congratulations. Maryam complains to her mom that her husband, Jassem, doesn't care about her, while Qut waits for her fiancé, Youssef, to return from abroad so that their wedding can take place.
The events revolve around Abu Jassem (Jassem's father) who seizes the inheritance of his siblings on the pretext that he has worked hard in order for this inheritance to grow. As...Read more days go by, he is taken aback when his eldest son, Jassem, does to his siblings what his father did before.