The series revolves around four girls whose lives are connected by a Psychiatric Hospital. It deals with the social and psychological issues of each girl by a social researcher named (Soad). To reach...Read more a full understanding of the girls cases, (Soad) has to dig deep into their environment,which leads to her finding unexpected events.
Noura is shocked when Rashid asks her to separate days before their wedding. Amal suffers from her husband's bad treatment of her and puts poison in his food. Asmaa complains about her husband's neglect of raising their son, and the actress Shahd sets her ex-husband on fire.
The series revolves around four girls whose lives are connected by a Psychiatric Hospital. It deals with the social and psychological issues of each girl by a social researcher...Read more named (Soad). To reach a full understanding of the girls cases, (Soad) has to dig deep into their environment,which leads to her finding unexpected events.