In a social and cynical context, the series revolves around Maemon, a very stingy man who has a wife and four kids whom he deprives of everything. After they all leave him, they discover that he's a...Read more billionaire. They then start a journey of finding his hidden wealth and how to get hold of it.
After the lawyer Rady defends his client Maemon in a case involving government agencies, he sues Maemon himself for not paying his fees for the last seven years. Returning from a dinner party in Nashat's house, three thieves steal Maemon's car.
In a social and cynical context, the series revolves around Maemon, a very stingy man who has a wife and four kids whom he deprives of everything. After they all leave him, they...Read more discover that he's a billionaire. They then start a journey of finding his hidden wealth and how to get hold of it.