The story revolves around a group of intertwined social relationships, between Reem and her husband, who is burdened by her excessive requests, and the two brothers Majed and Mahmoud, who discover...Read more that their brother is hanging out with a bad crowd because of their stepmother's spoiling of him.
Majed and his brother Mahmoud are upset with their stepmother for pampering her son Badr, while their mother, Eitab, asks them to go to the airport to receive their father. Reem reproaches her husband for not buying gifts for her family and for staying in a humble apartment after their marriage.
The story revolves around a group of intertwined social relationships, between Reem and her husband, who is burdened by her excessive requests, and the two brothers Majed and...Read more Mahmoud, who discover that their brother is hanging out with a bad crowd because of their stepmother's spoiling of him.