The story follows Hassan, who lives for his pleasures, neglecting his responsibilities towards his mother and children, as he only cares about himself. He marries several women and fathers to many...Read more daughters and one son, Fahd, who in turn tries to reunite his family. Will he succeed?
Mohra complains about her son Hassan’s mistreatment of his parents and brother Ahmed, his disdain for his wife and son Fahd, and his exploitation of the home’s storeroom to make alcohol.
Favourite Thikrayat Tv Channel | Saturday 21 December | 04:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Thikrayat Tv Channel | Sunday 22 December | 12:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Thikrayat Tv Channel | Sunday 22 December | 09:30 AM | Reminder |
The story follows Hassan, who lives for his pleasures, neglecting his responsibilities towards his mother and children, as he only cares about himself. He marries several women and...Read more fathers to many daughters and one son, Fahd, who in turn tries to reunite his family. Will he succeed?