Anaconda أناكوندا

On the Amazon river, a documentary crew is set upon by a dangerous man who claims to know the location of the tribe they want to film. However, as the man misleads them into dangerous territory, they come to discover that he is on the hunt for a deadly Anaconda, placing them all in peril.

A scientific expedition heads to Borneo to find a flower called Blood Orchid that grants eternal youth. During their trip in the river they discover that they're being hunted by a pack of deadly anacondas.

When two anacondas escape from a lab while being tested to find a cure for a terminal disease, millionaire Peter Murdoch hires a mercenary to catch them before they go on another killing spree.

As Peter succeeds in producing a cell regeneration serum that permits anacondas to grow, Murdoch sends assassins to find the serum and kill Amanda Hayes, putting her in serious trouble.