Dr. May Foster tries to help her patients with their relationship troubles, including the lack of intimacy between Katie and David, the problems Carolyn and Palek are facing to conceive, and the doubt plaguing Jamie that her boyfriend Hugo will cheat on her.
Jamie remains tormented by her suspicion of Hugo. Palek's interest in conceiving a child wanes, and his interest in Carolyn might follow suit. Dave questions the benefit of Katie's therapy sessions.
Palek and Carolyn's relationship goes down a slippery slope after a gathering ends on an unexpected note. Jamie struggles with her memories of Hugo.
David makes a shocking move by joining Katie at therapy. Jamie turns to May for help after being rejected by Hugo. Palek evades Carolyn after the latter confides in him about an old secret.
Jamie's resolve to stay single is tested when Nick appears in her life. May tries to help Katie and David move past their problems. The attempt to conceive takes another angle for Carolyn and Palek.
With Katie and David's marriage on the rocks, May is forced to be creative with her ideas to save the marriage. Carolyn pours all her efforts into her work as she and Palek resign themselves to not having children.
Spending a night alone together gives Katie and David hope that they may yet save their marriage. Hugo throws a wrench into Jamie's relationship with Nick.
David and Katie mull over the merits of continuing with their therapy sessions. Jamie's relationship with Nick stands at a crossroads that sees Jamie unable to give him what he wants. Palek experiences some identity issues.
When Katie gets some disturbing news, David is left to fend for himself, both at home and in therapy. Palek finds it hard to work through his rising anxiety.
May finds solace in her work as she gets some devastating news. Jamie makes the decision to try once more with Hugo. Carolyn is left floundering in the wake of Palek's revealation.