As the police officer arrests a group of criminals, a new inspector arrives at the station and causes a ruckus, only for the sheriff to curtail his attitude and warns him to fall in line.
The sheriff uses psychological and physical torture to force the prisoners to confess, taking care not to leave visible marks on their bodies to avoid any investigation from Human Rights Associations.
When a Sheikh arrives at the station to make a complaint, he finds a girl who insults him and calls him a charlatan, but El Fayek believes the Sheikh's story.
When Othman consults a fortune teller, El Fayek kicks her out. A group of criminals arrives as El Fayek puts them in detention. El Fayek joins forces with a girl to put a stop to those who sell alcohol in secret.
When El Fayek frames an innocent man for a crime he did not commit, the accused man gets beaten and released. The mayor sends a blind and mute man to write slogans on the walls, but El Fayek asks the man's mother for forgiveness and summons the mayor.
A man tries to set himself on fire in the police station. El Fayek arrests a number of the members of the opposition. Othman returns from the desert to a warm welcome from his colleagues.
The station decides to celebrate a day for political prisoners. El Fayek continues to work with the girl who gives him information in exchange for keeping her father imprisoned.
As Othman takes all the documents detailing the torture they inflict on prisoners to the archives, El Fayek tells him to keep silent about the sordid details of what they are doing. El Fayek tells the delegates from the Human Rights Association that their detention room has no prisoners.
As the mayor and the head of the division flee the station, El Fayek accuses Othman of being behind it and asks the girl to look for them. The head of one political party files a complaint against the head of another political party.
When one of the citizens complains that the city has confiscated his merchandise on four different occasions, he asks El Fayek to mediate so that he could get his merchandise back.
The mayor and the head of the division receive pardons. The Ennahda party wins the second stage of the elections as an interim government is formed.
The mayor asks El Fayek to form an association for the lovers of the police station. When an old man arrives at the station, Othman believes him to be a sniper, but El Fayek lets him go.
When a citizen asks El Fayek for protection as he throws a rap party, El Fayek sends Othman to oversee the proceedings. El Remsh arrives at the station to speak to El Fayek, but Othman makes fun of him. An activist talks to El Fayek about the station's conditions before the revolution.
A citizen complains to El Fayek that a production company has stolen his camel, but he soon discovers that it's a fake company. El Remsh becomes an activist.
As El Fayek burns down the archives, Othman puts out the fire. The Sheikh asks El Fayek to speak for the deposed Imam of a mosque. Othman makes a speech against the police.